Taiwan & Austria
It offers researchers the opportunity to apply for bilateral Taiwanese-Austrian Joint Research Projects and Joint Seminars. Taiwanese applicants must prepare their proposals following the rules of MOST.
Taiwan & Canada
Areas of cooperation and topics are limited to advanced manufacturing, environment and agriculture, information and communications technologies, and natural resources and energy. Duration from one to three years.
Taiwan & Czech Republic
Applicants shall take the form of a consortium consisting of R&D participants based in the Republic of China (Taiwan) and R&D participants based in the Czech Republic. Eligible Taiwanese applicants, to collaborate with Czech partners for DELTA program, must have been appointed by one of the institutes listede: 1) Universities 2) National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs) 3) Research Institutes recognized to apply for MOST funding. An eligible proposal must include at least one research institute into the work plans. Maximum duration of the project is limited to two years.
[Czech] MOST-TACR English Description and Guideline
[Czech] MOST-TACR English Proposal
[Czech] MOST-TACR IM03 cover page
Applicable for all basic science and applied research areas. Project duration is three years
[Czech] MOST-GACR Description and Guideline
[Czech] MOST-GACR English Application Form (CZ01)
Participants of this program are divided into 1) doctoral and postdoctoral research students or 2) Above assistant professor status, full-time teaching staff with doctoral degree, and official researchers.
Taiwan & France
Researchers must contact the program director for approval before applying. Additionally, they must propose a research plan online.
Taiwan & Germany
MOST-DAAD Research Grants and Study Scholarships
Ph.D. students with a ROC ID must 1) have received Ph.D. candidate status and still in school 2) be able to finish studying abroad before obtaining their doctorate degree 3) have not received our『補助博士生赴國外研究』 (Subsidy for doctoral students to study abroad) and 4) have fulfilled obligations from other subsidies. The duration of the study is limited to 6-18 months and contains two months of German courses at Goethe-Institut.
[Germany] MOST-DAAD (三明治計畫) Description and Guideline
MOST-DAAD Project-Based Personnel Exchange Program (PPP)
Participants of this program are divided into 1) doctoral and postdoctoral research students or 2) Above assistant professor status, full-time teaching staff with doctoral degree, and official researchers.
[Germany] MOST-DAAD PPP Description and Guideline
All the participants should be doctoral researchers. Applicable for all basic science and applied research areas. Project type is limited to Joint Seminar or Study Visit.
[Germany] MOST- DFG English Application Form (Table_DE_03)
[Germany] MOST-DFG Description and Guideline
For the Taiwanese partners to be funded under this call, the standard MOST‐guidelines for grant applications on expenditure or cost basis, respectively, must be followed in addition to the general regulations. Awarded projects are categorized as international cooperation projects and will not be counted in the quota of general research projects. The funding measure is aimed at higher education institutions and non‐university research institutions. The duration of a project is limited to a maximum of three years.
Taiwan & Japan
Researchers must have Taiwanese citizenship to apply. Those without Taiwanese citizenship may contact the program director for approval. Duration is two years or four years.
[Japan] MOST-AIST Description and Guideline
Researchers must have Taiwanese citizenship to apply. Applications with emphasis on energy materials with advanced characterization and computation are highly encouraged. Duration from one to two years.
[Japan] MOST-NIMS Description and Guideline
Researchers must have Taiwanese citizenship to apply. Duration from one to two years.
Taiwan & Mongolia
Proposals must involve a Mongolian Principal Investigator (PI) and a Taiwanese PI. The PI on each side must be affiliated to an academic institution or research institute. Researchers from industry may take part in the program as partners in teams headed by PI’s from an academic institution or research institute. The PIs are expected to take responsibility for the execution of the proposal throughout the duration of the project (or symposium). The project period maybe be up to three years.
[Mongolia] MOST-MECS Bilateral Seminar Form (IC-01)
[Mongolia] MOST-MECS English Description and Guideline
[Mongolia] MOST-MECS English Grant Proposal (MN-008)
[Mongolia] MOST-MECS English Proposal Guidelines
[Mongolia] MOST-MECS English Symposium Proposal (Table I-MN01)
Taiwan & Poland
Applicants must submit a collaboration plan in English to both representatives in Taiwan and Poland. Topics include neurosciences, efficiency of energy (air-conditioning, refrigeration, thermal energy technologies), materials science and engineering, agricultural biotechnology and biocatalysis, and information and communication technology (ICT). Project duration is three years.
[Poland] MOST-NCBR Description and Guideline
Taiwan & Slovakia
Participants of this program are divided into 1) doctoral and postdoctoral research students or 2) Above assistant professor status, full-time teaching staff with doctoral degree, and official researchers. Non-bilateral cooperation program to study abroad and participate in academic seminars is not applicable to this project.
[Slovakia] MOST-SRDA Description and Guideline
Applicable for all basic science and applied research areas.
[Slovakia] MOST-SAS Description and Guideline
Taiwan & South Korea
Researchers must have Taiwanese citizenship to apply. Topics are limited to natural science, engineering and technology, and bio science. Project duration is two years.
[Korea] MOST-NRF Description and Guideline
[Korea] MOST-NRF English Application for Joint Research (Form I0-001)
Taiwan & U.S.A.