RISE worldwide 2021
RISE worldwide starts its twelveth year! In the past years almost 2500 German undergraduate students interned abroad as research assistants. And once more Research groups from all over the world that are interested in hosting a German research assistant in the summer of 2021 are invited to submit project offers to RISE worldwide. Canadian professors already had to submit their offer through the Mitacs databaseas Mitacs handles the Canadian side of the program.
How does RISE worldwide work?
In this program research groups, laboratories and doctoral students can apply to host a motivated and wellqualified student from Germany. The German intern will assist in research and lab work for the proposed project. The students have academic training in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, engineering, computer science, medicine or a closely related field and will receive a DAAD scholarship to help cover living expenses and travel costs.
What are the benefits of the program?
Researchers in science and engineering profit both professionally and personally: They receive assistance with their research projects, strengthen their ties to Germany, and extend their knowledge of the German culture, research landscape and higher education system. PhD students are especially encouraged to participate because they in particular can benefit by learning how to be a mentor to younger students. RISE worldwide offers an excellent opportunity to establish academic partnerships with universities in Germany or to intensify already existing transatlantic networks.
German undergraduate students in science and engineering are exposed to advanced research work while gaining desirable practical experience in their respective fields during the summer. They get the chance to develop intercultural competence and improve their language skills. Moreover, the intensive lab work and leisure time spent together with mentors, colleagues and other interns may establish long-lasting friendships.
Visit our website: www.daad.de/rise-worldwide
Contact us directly: rise-ww@daad.de
Submission of project proposals: September 1st, 2020 through October 15th, 2020
Terms of the internship: 6 weeks to 3 months in summer 2021 earliest starting date: June 1st, 2021
Canadian project submission was by June 16, 2020 through Mitacs