TMU One World Short Film Competition 短片競賽
Search for Global Footprints
Source: Taipei Medical University
Published on 2020-09-18
As the student and faculty diversity increases on campus, many of you might have also come to notice that there is still room for improvement to make TMU a truly internationalized environment that supports our international community.
TMU One World consists of a series of activities to promote cultural diversity and comprehensive internationalization on campus, and through Search for Global Footprints, a film competition, we invite members of the TMU community to share your views on what improvements we can make with enhanced accessibility to information, updates, services and facilities for our international cohorts of students, faculty members and visitors.
Selected entries will be displayed on the ground floor of the Comprehensive Medical Front Building for a popularity vote. Come and join the competition to win prizes of up to NTD10,000!
【TMU One World 短片比賽辦法 Rules and Regulations】
1、參加對象 Eligibility:
All TMU students, faculty members, and administrative staff are eligible to join in team.
Each team should consist of between 4 to 6 members.
2、比賽規則 Rules:
- 收件期間:2020年9月28日(一)至2020年10月12日(一) 23:59止。
- 比賽規則:
- 報名及影片收件網址:
- 繳交項目:
- 報名:請完成線上報名,並確實填寫資料。資料有遺漏者將不具參賽資格。
- 影片內容:
- 邀請參賽隊伍踴躍發揮「校園國際化」的精神,透過走讀發現校園內國際化程度待提升的軟硬體建設,小自公告、指示、標語、大至規範、措施、作業流程等,並提出你希望看到的改進方案或建議修正。
- 影片內容形式不拘,可以是小劇場、新聞播報、偵探短片、動畫等,歡迎參賽者自由發揮創意。
- 影片規格
- 時長:最長5分鐘
- 檔案格式:MP4
- Submission deadline:
Entries are accepted from September 28, 2020. Deadline for submission is 23:59, October 12, 2020. - Rules:
- All registration and submission should be uploaded to here.
- Content of submission: Online Registration and a soft copy of film
- Online Registration:
Please complete the form in full, omission of required details will disqualify yourself from the competition. - Content of the film:
- With the idea of building an internationalized campus in mind, participants are encouraged to tour around the TMU campus to find areas for improvement, be it signs, announcements, posters, procedures, workflow, or even policies, you name it! You need to point out what does not seem to be working well and propose your solution of how it might be improved.
- Use your creativity to convey your idea. The film content could be a play, a detective drama, a news coverage, even animation. Let your creativity thrive!
- Specification of the film:
- Length: up to 5 minutes
- Format: MP4
- Online Registration:
3、頒獎典禮 Awards Ceremony:
- 時間:2020年11月04日(三) 中午12:00~13:00
- Date: November 4th, 2020. PM12:00~13:00
4、獎項 Prizes:
- 第一名:獎金壹萬元,獎狀乙紙。
- 第二名:獎金八千元,獎狀乙紙。
- 第三名:獎金六千元,獎狀乙紙。
- 最佳人氣獎:該團隊參賽者均可獲得驚喜禮包乙包。
- 參加獎:所有參賽者均可獲得TMU One World 設計T-shirt乙件。
- The First Award: NTD10,000 and an award certificate
- The Second Award: NTD8,000 and an award certificate
- The Third Award: NTD6,000 and an award certificate
- Viewers’ Choice: a gift set to each member of the winning team
- TMU One World Community Prize: TMU One World T-shirt
5、注意事項 Terms and Conditions:
- 參賽作品一律不予歸還。
- 每個隊伍參賽作品以1件為限,且每人僅可加入一個隊伍;經查有重複參賽者,一律取消資格;若有得獎情事則由主辦單位追回該獎項,獎位將不另行遞補。
- 參賽者應提供姓名、系所/單位、聯絡電話等,資料不全者不列入評選。
- 主辦單位保留對得獎作品與相關活動內容進行宣傳發表、製作廣告、媒體刊登等權利,不另計酬。
- 凡報名參加本競賽活動者,視為同意並承諾遵守本競賽各項規定。
- 相關比賽規定如有變動以網站公告為主,不另行通知。
- 收件後承辦單位若發現不符上列規定,經電話或電子郵件通知,逾期未補正者,一概取消資格。
- All received entries will not be returned.
- Each team can only submit one entry. Each person can join only one team. Individuals taking part in more than one teams will be disqualified; prizes awarded will be revoked/returned, and prize vacancy remained.
- Participants should provide contact details as listed in the registration form. Incomplete form will lead to disqualification.
- The organizer reserves the right to use the received entries for future promotion, reporting, and advertising of the relevant activities. No additional rewards will be provided.
- Individuals submitting registration form are deeded agreeable to and willing to follow the competition rules.
- The rules are subject to future changes as and when required, and such changes will be announced directly on the event website. No separate notification will be issued.
主辦單位 Organizer:
臺北醫學大學國際事務處 Office of Global Engagement, Taipei Medical University
如有活動相關問題,請聯繫國際事務處 楊小姐。
If there is any further question of the competition, please contact Ms. Yang.