Located at Taipei Medical University in the heart of Taipei, the PhD in Public Health program is designed to give future public health professionals a comprehensive understanding of epidemiology, biostatistics, and environmental, occupational, and community health. Research at the school of Public Health is supported by TMU allied hospitals.


Our program is designed to give students the ability to analyze healthcare systems through rigorous academic study. In addition to a detailed understanding of biostatistics, occupational and environmental epidemiology, community health, and health policy, students will learn problem solving skills, research design, and statistical analysis.

To complete their degree, students must design and complete supervised research in a topic of their choice, such as in children’s’ or women’s health, non-communicable disease studies, pollution assessment, occupational hazards, health insurance policy, or health promotion.  It is required that the results of the research have to be published in reputable peer-reviewed journals.


These 9 courses are required:

 ◆  Seminar 1 credit
 ◆  Applied statistics 2 credits
 ◆  Applied epidemiology 2 credits
 ◆  Individual studies 2 credits
 ◆  Special Topics in Public Health Thesis Writing 2 credits
 ◆  Dissertation 12 credits

Suggested Electives:

 ◆  Special topics in health behavior research methods 2 credits
 ◆  Questionnaire design and application of social science research methods 2 credits
 ◆  Analysis of multivariate data
 ◆  Special topics in health policy and behavioral science I
 ◆  Special topics in global public health I
 ◆  Special topics in health policy and behavioral science II 2 credits
 ◆  Special topics in global public health II 2 credits


  • A minimum of 36 credits, including 24 credits of required courses.
    Most of the course requirements can be completed in 2 years, candidates shall satisfy the requirements list below for the Ph.D. degree.
  • 2 papers in SCI or SSCI journals, or publish 1 paper and Submit 1 article in SCI or SSCI journals.
  • Thesis defense


Ph.D. graduates in Public Health are well-equipped for a variety of careers in public health, such as in industrial safety and health management, hospital management, health insurance data analysis, environmental management, or as environmental safety managers and consultants. Public service employment opportunities are also open with pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, research organizations, or as project managers for NGOs. Other graduates go on to conduct academic research in public health, medicine, or applied science.

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