TMU research outcomes, grants-related and international conferences

Taipei Medical University establishing “OHDSI Taiwan Chapter,” joining global transnational research published in JAMIA

In collaboration with the Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI), Taipei Medical University (TMU) established “OHDSI Taiwan Chapter” and participated in the "Uncovering exposures responsible for birth season– disease effects," a global research conducted by experts and scholars from Taiwan, the US, South Korea and other countries.

Taipei Medical University Hospital and Taiwan AI Labs screening for COVID-19 with AI Chest X-ray

The screening system applies AI to read chest X-rays uploaded by the hospital, and instantly provides clinicians with reliable values on the location of pneumonia and lung infection.

TMU and Academia Sinica officially launch the Taiwan Precision Medicine Initiative (TPMI)

The initiative is a large-scale clinical genetic research project conducted by the Academia Sinica in collaboration with 13 medical center-level hospitals in Taiwan.

Shuang Ho Neurosurgery team precisely treats patient with Parkinson’s

In July, 2019, a Shuang Ho Neurosurgery team used the ROSA robotic surgery system to perform Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) to treat Mr. Chang’s Parkinson’s.

Taipei Medical University Hospital announces Contact-Free Connected Healthcare Platform

In response to COVID-19, Taipei Medical University Hospital has joined hands with the Industrial Technology Research Institute’s (ITRI) Service Systems Technology Center, Radica Health, Tranwo Technology Corp., Microsoft Taiwan, Acer, and other industry and academic organizations to announce the groundbreaking Contact-Free Connected Health Care Platform.