TMU teams sweep awards at biotech competition

Source: Taipei Medical University

Published on 2018-04-09

Each of the three TMU teams captured an award at the 2017 Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology Competition.

TMU students and others won the gold medal for a breast cancer postsurgical garment

The specific categories were gold, silver and masterpiece awards respectively in the Medical Biotechnology Group Class A competitions for drugs, test reagents and technology/service platforms. The three winning teams have performed extremely well for half a year, and will assist their colleagues in developing technologies and conducting business-relevant operational planning.

 Did you know?

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology Competition stemmed from the Ministry of Education’s training program on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology. Since 2014 this project has integrated agricultural and medical biotechnology.

Future development of the center will translate the team’s technology into a business operations plan. The sixteen participating teams work with the Agricultural/Pharmaceutical Technology Industry Teaching Practice Center and the Multidisciplinary Biotechnology Industry Training Center and colleges and universities. Each center sent three innovation representatives, and every school was represented by a team.