




日期 2023-12-07
國家 越南
來訪機構 芹苴醫藥大學
  1. Prof. NGUYEN Trung Kien, Rector
  2. Ph.D. TRUONG Le Thu Nhan, Head of Faculty of Odonto–Stomatology’s Office
  3. Assoc. Prof. PHAM Thanh Suol, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy
  4. Ph.D. LE Minh Huu, Dean of Faculty of Public Health
  5. Ph.D. NGUYEN Thi Thanh Truc, Vice Dean of Faculty of Nursing and Medical Technology
  6. Ph.D. LE Minh Hoang, Dean of Department of Traditional Medicine
  7. Ph.D. PHAM Kieu Anh Tho, Head of Undergraduate Training Office
  8. M.A. NGO Phuong Thao, Head of Student Affairs Office
  9. Ph.D. PHAN Thi Luyen, Vice Director of Center of Services and Continuing Education
  10. MSc. PHAM Hoang Khanh, Head of General Planning Department (CTUMP’s Hospital) Secretary of CTUMP’s Youth Union
  11. Ms. NGUYEN Thi Nhu Trang, Science and Technology-External Relations Office
  12. MSc. NGUYEN Quoc Bao, Department of Obstetrics, Faculty of Medicine
接待單位 國際事務處
  1. 校長—吳麥斯校長;
  2. 副校長—張淑英副校長;
  3. 藥學院—劉景平院長、陳香吟副院長;
  4. 醫學科技學院—皇甫維君副院長;
  5. 國際處—陳佩宜副國際長、葉育渟組長、劉梓儀組長;
  6. 國際學位學生—Mr. Le Thanh Vinh Tuyen, International Degree Student、Ms. Vo Nguyen Hong Phuc, International Degree Student、Mr. Nguyen Thanh Nhu, International Degree Student
  • 成果
  • 洽談學生交流:對方表示希望與口腔醫學院、藥學院及公共衛生學院洽談合作
  • 推廣學校進修推廣處課程,如新南向菁英培育專班計畫