Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy delegation visits TMU

Source: Office of Global Engagement

Published on 2023-12-07

Inward Visit

Date 2023-12-07
Nation(s) Vietnam
Visiting Institution(s) Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Visiting Delegation List
  1. Prof. NGUYEN Trung Kien, Rector
  2. Ph.D. TRUONG Le Thu Nhan, Head of Faculty of Odonto–Stomatology’s Office
  3. Assoc. Prof. PHAM Thanh Suol, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy
  4. Ph.D. LE Minh Huu, Dean of Faculty of Public Health
  5. Ph.D. NGUYEN Thi Thanh Truc, Vice Dean of Faculty of Nursing and Medical Technology
  6. Ph.D. LE Minh Hoang, Dean of Department of Traditional Medicine
  7. Ph.D. PHAM Kieu Anh Tho, Head of Undergraduate Training Office
  8. M.A. NGO Phuong Thao, Head of Student Affairs Office
  9. Ph.D. PHAN Thi Luyen, Vice Director of Center of Services and Continuing Education
  10. MSc. PHAM Hoang Khanh, Head of General Planning Department (CTUMP’s Hospital) Secretary of CTUMP’s Youth Union
  11. Ms. NGUYEN Thi Nhu Trang, Science and Technology-External Relations Office
  12. MSc. NGUYEN Quoc Bao, Department of Obstetrics, Faculty of Medicine
Host Office at TMU Office of Global Engagement
TMU Host Delegation List
  1. Prof. Mai-Szu Wu, President
  2. Prof. Shu-Ying Chang, Executive Vice President
  3. Prof. Jing-Ping Liou, Dean, College of Pharmacy
  4. Prof. Shawn Chen, Vice Dean, College of Pharmacy
  5. Assoc. Prof. Wei-Chun HuangFu, Vice Dean, College of Medical Sciences and Technology
  6. Ms. Dawn Chen, Vice Dean, Office of Global Engagement
  7. Ms. Yuting Yeh, Chief, International Students Section, Office of Global Engagement
  8. Ms. Andrea Liu, Chief, Global Partnerships Section, Office of Global Engagement
  9. Mr. Le Thanh Vinh Tuyen, International Degree Student
  10. Ms. Vo Nguyen Hong Phuc, International Degree Student
  11. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Nhu, International Degree Student
Outcome of the Visit
  • Discussion on student exchanges, with expressed interest in the College of Oral Medicine, College of Pharmacy, and College of Public Health.
  • Promotion of university Office of Continuing & Extension Education courses, such as the New southbound Policy Elite Study Program, to facilitate collaboration.

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