TMUH Joins Hands with NGOs to Enhance Care for Pediatric Patients
Source: Taipei Medical University Hospital
Published on 2024-03-12
Taipei Medical University Hospital (TMUH) is dedicated to consistently improving the quality of medical care. As part of this commitment, TMUH has partnered with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to create positive and child-friendly healthcare environments.
In December 2023, TMUH joined hands with Disney and Make-a-Wish Taiwan Foundation to establish Taiwan’s first Disney-themed children’s ward. The ward works with the Disney Team of Heroes app, enabling children to interact directly with Disney characters and stories shown on the walls. The ward also features Taiwan’s first Disney mobile movie theater, which plays wonderful Disney+ movies that lessen children’s anxiety before and after their medical visits. Upholding the concept that ‘Even when they’re in the hospital, children have the right to pursue happiness’, the Disney ward reshapes the hospital experience and helps children bravely face treatment.
In other news this year, Ronald McDonald House Charities Taiwan has donated two intensive care newborn incubators to TMUH. Premature babies face immediate challenges to their cardiopulmonary function, retinal and neurological development, and more. These babies require specialized medical treatment teams for close monitoring. Intensive care newborn incubators provide a womb-like environment. In addition, by raising the canopy, the incubator transforms into a warmer, allowing newborns to receive appropriate medical attention without being moved.
TMUH’s child medical care services prioritize a patient-centered approach, integrating various specializations and disciplines to safeguard children’s health. In 2022, TMUH inaugurated its fourth-generation precision proton therapy center, removing age restrictions on radiation therapy and enabling children as young as 10 months old to receive precise treatment for pediatric cancer. In 2023, two TMUH pediatrics team projects—the Integrated Newborn Care project and the Precision Pediatric Tumor Treatment project—received the Institute for Biotechnology and Medicine Industry Symbol of National Quality (SNQ) certificates. This further validates TMUH’s unwavering commitment to advancing the quality of pediatric medical care.