TMU spin-off develops light-driven thermal energy MAX45 Rescue Series, incorporating concepts of medical rescue and environmental protection
Source: Office of Business Development
Published on 2021-09-23
The MAX45 Rescue Series is a functional textile product developed by TMU spin-off Hsuan Chen Technology Co., Ltd. (鉉宸科技股份有限公司).
This material helps mountain rescue crew prevent rapid loss of body temperature by increasing temperature to about 45°C within 1 to 2 minutes, thus effectively shortening the symptoms of hypothermia and alleviating complications that might arise from hypothermia. This brand-new patented material product is highly antibacterial and can store heat at a safe, constant temperature.

Max45 photothermal neck protection.
The invention of this product was inspired by the 2000 Nobel Chemistry Award, the revolutionary discovery of conductive polymers. The technology development team at Hsuan Chen Technology Co., Ltd applied the concept of converting light energy to heat energy to the field of medical device development.
With funding support from the Ministry of Science and Technology, and TMU’s facilitation through its SPARK technology commercialization guidance managed by the Office of Business Development, the Hsuan Chen Technology Co., Ltd successfully completed the product development and look forward to its future application in the real world treatment.

From left: Ting-Han Chen(陳廷翰), Chair of Hsuan Chen Tehcnology; Associate Professor Er-Yuan Chuang(莊爾元) at the Graduate Institute of Biomedical Materials & Tissue of the College of Biomedical Engineering, Taipei Medical University; and Ming-Tai Chiang(江明泰), President of Hsuan Chen Technology.