Sketching Talents Cultivation Blueprint- Taipei Medical University Explored Academic Collaboration with HEIs in Poland and the Czech Republic

Source: Secretariat

Published on 2024-02-06

In a delegation visit organized by the Ministry of Education and Taiwan University Academic Alliance (UAAT) in September 2023, Taipei Medical University (TMU) discussed with higher education institutions in Poland and the Czech Republic about potential academic collaborations for education and research.

As a member institution of UAAT, TMU’s interest was represented by its Executive Vice President, Luisa Shu-Ying Chang, to seek further opportunities for collaboration in the domains of AI medical healthcare and sustainable healthcare services.

Taiwan University Academic Alliance delegation at Nicolaus Copernicus Academy

During the bilateral forums hosted by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Nicolaus Copernicus Academy, both Deputy Minister Tomasz Rzymkowski and Dean Krzysztof Marian Górski affirmed the Academy’s commitment to spearhead future collaborations between the alliances. The upcoming contract-signing ceremony was eagerly anticipated.

TMU anticipates a fruitful collaboration with the esteemed Medical University of Bialystok, driven by their keen interest in TMU’s expertise in healthcare administration and cognitive psychology. Of particular note is the enthusiastic engagement of the Medical University of Bialystok with TMU’s Graduate Institute of Mind, Brain, and Consciousness (GIMBC). Additionally, Politechnika Łódzka, a prominent university renowned for its focus on science and technology in Poland, has expressed a strong desire to foster enduring academic partnerships with TMU.

As the trip continued to the Czech Republic, TMU interacted with representatives of Charles University, Masaryk University, and Brno University of Technology. The former already has intensive collaboration in dementia with the Department of Medicine and the other two institutions enthusiastically extended collaboration proposals, particularly expressing interest in partnering with TMU’s School of Biomedical Engineering. These collaboration invitations underscore TMU’s steadfast commitment to nurturing top-tier talents. The trip concluded with valuable insights, further reinforcing TMU’s dedication to advancing academic excellence and forging partnerships in Central Europe.